Cookie Policy

Last Updated: Mar 25, 2020

Any undefined terms in this document shall have the meaning given to them in the Terms

RAIDEAMON.COM utilizes cookies as part of its core services. By using this website, you consent to its use of cookies.

A cookie is a small piece of text stored in your browser that allows a website to recognize your device to maintain a consistent, cohesive experience throughout different visits on that device. If you use RAIDEAMON.COM, both this website and authorized third parties will use cookies to remember some of your activities and preferences in order to provide you with the best most consistent services possible.

This policy describes how RAIDEAMON.COM and other third parties use cookies both within and without this website and how you can exercise a greater degree of control over cookies. Please keep in mind that this may effect your experiences with RAIDEAMON.COM and the services provided by third parties.

Cookies are utilized for certain technical features of this website, such as age verification and consent and improving this website.


Cookies are required to browse this website beyond the age verification and consent form to ensure that the website is viewed by the appropriate audience and doesn't require you to certify your intentions on every page viewed.

The cookies that are required for viewing this website are by default "session" cookies that are automatically removed upon closing your browser session.


By checking the [Remember Me] button on the age verification and consent form the basic browsing cookies data gets stored as "persistent" cookies that aren't deleted until a designated expiry time in the future. Currently these cookies are set to expire in 6 months of your last confirmation.

However, in order to maintain the integrity of the audience, you may need to reauthorize your consent if certain conditions are met despite having this persistent cookie data set.

Other preference data may be stored as a persistent cookie or a session cookie for temporary viewing settings.


This website may use third party services that use cookies to collect information about how users access and move through the site. This information is used in an aggregate or anonymous form to help improve the way this website works, or to assess the effectiveness of marketing campaigns.

Web Beacons

As well as cookies, this website may employ other technologies (beacons, tags, or scripts) to recognize and track visitors to it. A web beacon (also known as a "tracking pixel" or "clear GIF") is a clear graphic image (typically a one-pixel tag) that is delivered through a web browser or HTML e-mail, typically in conjunction with a cookie.

Web beacons, for example, can provide insight into how users move from one page within our website and services to another, to track access to our communications, to understand whether users have come to the website from an online advertisement displayed on another third-party website, to measure how ads have been viewed and to improve site performance.

More Information

Further information about the types of information and how that information is available in our Privacy Policy

This policy may be edited from time-to-time as this website and its services develop. Please check this policy regularly for any changes.

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